Expanding abilities one person at a time

Thank you, MetzWood Insurance!

A big THANK YOU to MetzWood Insurance for the $700 donation to Coarc — from their “Help Our Community” referral program. Pictured here are Matt Wood and Jeff Knight from MetzWood Insurance, and Pam Dusharm and Ken Stall from Coarc.

Based in Columbia County and family-owned for four generations (since 1913), MetzWood supports charitable giving. Visit www.metzwood.com for more information.

Coarc is a nonprofit service agency built over 50 years ago by families of those living with disabilities in order to provide appropriate and effective services to their loved ones. We value person-centered supports, helping each individual to achieve his or her goals and dreams. www.coarc.org.

Thank you, MetzWood Insurance, for your generous gift!